JUMP TOIntruder APIHealthHealth endpointgetIssuesLists issuesgetLists occurrences for issuegetLists scanner output for an occurrence of an issuegetLicensesLists infrastructure and application licensesgetScansLists current scansgetStarts a scanpostRetrieves scan detailsgetCancels a scanpostTargetsLists targetsgetAdds a targetpostDeletes a targetdeleteLists API schemas for a targetgetAdds an API schema to a targetpostUpdates an API schema on a targetpatchDeletes an API schemas from a targetdeleteLists authentications for a targetgetAdds an authentication to a targetpostUpdates an authentication on a targetpatchDeletes an authentication from a targetdeleteCreates a tag for a targetpostDeletes a tag from a targetdeleteBulk adds targetspostPowered by Adds an authentication to a targetpost https://api.intruder.io/v1/targets/{target_id}/authentications/Adds an authentication to a target