
Protocol added to issue occurrences

Issues endpoint
The protocol property has been added to issue occurrences. This field captures the transport layer protocol that was in use when the security issue was detected. The protocol field helps provide more context about how vulnerabilities were discovered.


New field schedule_period added to /scans endpoints



New fields added to /scans and /targets endpoints



Add and delete tags for a target via the Intruder API

we’ve added two new endpoints to the Intruder API which will allow users to add and delete tags for a target. With this release, you will be able to fully manage your targets using the Intruder API.


View license details via the Intruder API

The new license endpoints allow users to answer the following questions using the Intruder API:


Intruder API supports the ability to manage authentications and API schemas for a target.

The list target endpoint now contains whether a target has an authentication or API schema added. Additional endpoints have been added to help users manage their authentications and API schemas.


Added a new scanner_output endpoint

This endpoint allows API users to query detailed scanner output for an Occurrence.


List targets endpoint also contains tags

The list targets endpoint now also contains the tags associated with each target.


Renamed "snoozed" query parameter

We've renamed the "snoozed" query parameter on the list issues endpoint. It was previously called "snoozed_only" which was misleading. (The old parameter continues to work to ensure the API remains backwards compatible.)


Increased default limit on list endpoints to 25

We've increase the default limit for list endpoints from 10 to 25. 👆